what we do ?

Our Mission

Recoton is a cotton waste management company that operates in Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, and India through collecting, sorting, and processing textile waste and developing recycled cotton fiber, yarns, and textiles.

Recoton also develops upcycling collections from textile and clothing waste into new products. Recoton’s mission is to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and to promote the reuse and recycling of textile and clothing waste.

We are working towards managing an extensive pool of cotton waste through Post-Industrial waste like Textiles and Post-Consumer waste like clothing arriving at the markets in west Africa. Recoton is building supply chains in Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, and India.

waste management company collecting waste from kantamanto market ghana


We are working towards managing an extensive pool of cotton waste from West Africa.

The market size is nearly 425+ Million population in West Africa, whose clothing needs mainly depend upon used or second-hand clothing and prints developed by the local textile printing industries.

Post-Industrial waste like Textiles and Post-Consumer waste like clothing arriving at the markets in west Africa. Recoton is building supply chain in Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, and India.

Recoton operates by sorting the materials into categories for reuse or for recycling and preparing them for a supply chain to various end markets like independent designers, brands, and recyclers.

Our Core Values

Recoton is responsible for collecting, sorting, and processing textile waste, including clothing, in an environmentally responsible manner.

Recoton follows social responsibility when collecting the waste and pays fair wages & fair prices for the clothing waste collected from waste collectors. 

Recoton follows an ethical way to understand the requirements and is responsible towards the environment and stakeholders of our supply chain.

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